09/01/25 - Valentin Wyart (ENS) - Constraint, advantage, or both? How computation noise shapes learning and decision-making in humans and artificial neural networks
Archives - Séminaires externes 2024 11/01/24 - Camille Williams (University of Texas) 18/01/24 - Philip Joris (Katolische Universität Leuven) 25/01/24 - Kerry Walker (University of Oxford) 21/03/24 - Simon Rumpel (University of Mainz) Alex GAYCO GAJIC (ENS Paris) 25/04/24 - François Bergeron (Université de Laval) 02/05/24 - Evénement UCL-IdA : Alexander Billig (UCL) and Allan Muller (Institut de l'Audition) 13/05/24 - Cathy L Barr (University of Toronto) 23/05/24 - Stéphanie Lacour (EPFL) 28/05/24 - Pascal Belin (Université Aix-Marseille) 13/06/24 - Zhen-Yi CHEN (Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School) 18/06/24 - Hillel ADESNIK (University of California, Berkeley) 18/06/24 - Ross S. WILLIAMSON (University of Pittsburgh) 07/11/24 - Evènement UCL x IdA : Fotios Drakopoulos and Olesia Platonova 21/11/24 - Daniel Huber (UNIGE) 09/12/24 - Tobias Goehring (University of Cambridge) 17/12/24 - Mark Janssen (Maastricht University) 2023 19/01/23 - Pascal Barone (CERCO Toulouse) 02/02/23 - Ralf Schneggenburger (Université de Lausanne) 14/03/23 -Stephen Lomber (McGill University Canada) 16/03/23 - Bob Carlyon (Cambridge University) 30/03/23 - Alexis Hervais-Adelman (Zürick University) 13/04/23 - Pim Van Dijk (Groningen University) 21/04/23 - Oded Ghitza (Boston University) 10/05/23 - Israel Nelken (Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Science) 24/05/23 - Kishore Kuchibotla (John Hopkins University) 30/05/23 - Tim Griffiths (Newcastle University) 06/06/23 - Jan Drugowitsch et Jean-Rémi King (ENS) 12/06/23 - Dwight Bergles (John Hopkins School of Medicine) 29/06/23 - Maiken Nedergaard (University of Rocherster) 07/09/23 - Christopher Cederroth (Karolinska Institute) 11/08/23 - Kazusaku Kamiya (Juntendo University School of Medicine) 12/09/23 - Philippe Vincent (John Hopkins School of Medicine) 21/09/23 - Belen Pardi (Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris) 05/10/23 - Doris Wu (NIH) 19/10/23 - Dan Polley (Harvard University) 20/10/23 - Adeen Flinker (NY University) 21/11/23 - Mathieu Koroma (Université de Liège) 04/12/23 - Liangyi Chen (Peking University/McGovern University for Brain Research) 14/12/23 - Grégoire Courtine et Jocelyne Bloch (Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) 2022 15/12/2022 - Claire SERGENT (Université Paris Cité) 24/11/2022 - Timothée PROIX (University of Geneva) 27/10/2022 - Jennifer Linden (Ear Institute, UCL) 13/10/2022 - Ronna HERTZANO (University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA) 15/09/2022 - Stéphane MAISON (Harvard Medical School, Boaston, USA) 07/07/2022 - Michael BOWL (Ear Institute, UCL, London, United Kingdom) 23/06/2022 - Catherine WEIZS (NIH - Intramural Research Program, Bethesda, USA) 12/05/2022 - Frédéric REVAH (Généthon, Paris, France) 05/05/2022 - Patrick SUSINI (IRCAM, Paris, France) 14/04/2022 - Thierry GALLI (Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris) 31/03/2022 - Nicholas LESICA (Ear Institute, UCL, London, United Kingdom) 17/03/2022 - Benjamin MORILLON (Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Aix-Marseille /Université Aix-Marseille) 03/02/2022 - Mireille MONTCOUQUIOL (NeuroCentre Magendie, Bordeaux, France) 13/01/2022 - Etienne THORET (PRISM (Perception, Représentations, Image, Son, Musique/Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France) 2021 28/10/2021 - Josh McDermott (MIT) 14/10/2021 - David Sprinzak (Tel Aviv University) 30/09/2021 - Robert Kaddouch (Ecole Kaddouch & Music) 15/09/2021 - James Poulet (Max Delbruck Center) 08/07/2021 - Andrew King (Oxford University) 24/06/2021 - Jennifer Bizley (Univerity College London) 10/06/2021 - Marta Roccio (ETHZ) 27/05/2021 - Léo Varnet (Ecole Normale Supérieure) 06/05/2021 - Deniz Dalkara (Institut de la vision) 08/04/2021 - Cathie Ventalon (Ecole Normale Supérieure) 25/03/2021 - Jérome Bourien (Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier) 11/03/2021 - Astrid Van Wieringen (Leuven University) 11/02/2021 - Mathieu Beraneck (Université de Paris) 28/01/2021 - Tania Barkat (Basel University) 14/01/2021 - Flora Amann
Archives - Soutenances de thèse 05/10/23 - Carla Maria Barbosa Spinola - Characterization of the use of AAVs as tools for in utero gene delivery andimplications for the study of role of Sonic Hedgehog signaling in the differentiation and patterning of the cochlear epithelium 06/12/23 - Maureen Wentling - Characterization of disease mechanisms underlying Clarin-mediated progressive hearing loss 14/09/2022 - Sarah Jamali - Predictive coding of global sequence violations in mouse auditory cortex 30/09/2022 - Olivier Postal - Déficits centraux auditifs : dans les formes génétiques de surdité : L'exemple des gènes Cdh23 et Pcdh15 15/09/2021 - Mathilde Gagliardini - Les crises audiogènes réflexes : une voie d’entrée dans la compréhension des mécanismes de développement et de fonctionnement des voies rétro-cochléaires 14/09/2021 - Anthony Renard - Intégration multisensorielle olfacto-tactile dans le cortex à tonneaux chez la souris